Hello! 👋
I'm Will Gunter.

I'm an Honors student at the University of Delaware studying Computer Science.
I'm a Software Engineering academic part time employee at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.


Common Workflow Service

I worked with my mentor, James Wood, at NASA JPL on CWS, a highly configurable and scalable workflow system available to support simple to complex mission and project processing pipelines. Built with Java, Spring Framework, Camunda's BPMN model. I worked on implementing new features for the Mars 2020 (Perseverance) operations team.

Tournament Tracker

A full stack web application which allows users to create, organize, and operate tournaments for any game or sport. Built with Javascript, Node.JS, Pug, and MongoDB. This project was developed in one week as a project for a web security course and implements modern web security techniques to prevent common attacks.

Custom Unix Shell

A custom Unix shell, written in C, that allows the user to run their own applications as well as a wide selection of built-in commands. This project was part of a study of various Operating Systems and how processes are created, altered, monitored, and removed.

UD CIS Scheduler

A project to help students at the University of Delaware complete their 4-year academic planning. Made with React.js and Typescript, this project was developed in a team of 3 students using Agile methodologies. Implemented data interpretation to allow for the editing of the master course list.

Web3 Demo

A React.js and Typescript to pitch the company’s new product to potential investors. The code is not able to be shared due to the sensitive nature of the API and the client information inside. All of the user elements and interactions in the app were functional, including the creation of cryptocurrency wallets, the transfer of funds between wallets, and the automatic synchronization of wallet balances with the front end display. This demo app was successful, being used to pitch to clients multiple times around the world and closing multiple deals valued at over $100,000,000.

Source code not available (confidential)


A version of Frogger written completely in vanilla HTML5 and Javascript. This project was for an advanced web development course as a way to reintroduce students to web development using HTML and Javascript only.

Pokedex Viewer

A Java project that downloads information about Pokemon from an online API and displays it in a user-friendly interface. It grabs multiple pieces of information including names, types, stats, and the sprite. The user can sort by number, stats, name, and type.